What can PM do at the predesign stage?

  1. Write and execute a contract

    Set the working conditions, take part in contract signing, and follow up on contract compliance.

  2. Establish and evaluate the requirements and backlog

    Take part in setting the requirements alongside the client (and analyzing them from the project standpoint), creating a backlog (and analyzing it), and managing the analysts, designers, and developers.

  3. Take part in building a project team

    Each of our projects always has our own PM, who is familiar with our corporate procedures. They take part in building a team and keep track of its processes and progress.

What can PM do at the development stage?

  1. Schedule the work

    All processes are extremely transparent; at all times, clients are aware of where their project is and will be.

  2. Monitor project financials

    Provide preliminary reports to help us give a team estimate for the following month. Thanks to that, clients always know where their project stands and how much it will cost to continue developing it for another month. It also aids in planning an annual budget.

  3. Manage the project

    Call project meetings and retrospectives, and check up on motivation and morale in the team.

  4. Write reports

    Write reports and review team progress (weekly, monthly, sprint-by-sprint) in a clear manner and in any format a client may prefer. Such reports are always submitted upon request.

How do we do that

Main stages and principles of our PM’s work.

  1. Project initiation

    At this point, we create an infrastructure for a project along with some baseline artifacts, such as a brief, a project statute, project materials, and internal records that can be used to track project metrics. We also arrange our first meeting with a client and a team; we make sure everyone is on the same page in terms of our expectations, goals, deadlines, finances, and MVP.

  2. Planning

    Next, we update our risk registry and create a schedule that outlines what needs to be done by the end.

  3. Execution

    The PM monitors whether the team adheres to its deadlines. If they don’t, PMs must figure out how to fix the problem and deliver the finished products on time. PMs are also in charge of risk management. They make certain that we integrate enterprise systems (if necessary). In addition to that, they monitor the project’s scope, time, and cost.

  4. Finish line

    PMs call project retrospectives and write reports. In addition, they gather client feedback.

We have clients across the entire globe

Our clients’ reviews

“Since we were already working with Surf, we had established effective communication. The Surf team has actively engaged with our developers, speeding up our progress. Thanks to that, for instance, it took us less time to integrate information about deliverers. Moreover, Surf was often proactive, suggesting interface improvements as well as the format and process adjustments to the mobile interface.”
Lead Backend Developer
“The Surf team did research and put together a UI prototype based on our wishes and existing data and using the bank’s corporate colors and unified design elements. Thanks to this, the application looks cool and organically integrates into the overall style of the bank. All new features are also implemented in the same style. What’s more, the interface was integrated with the Fast Payments System. The Central Bank sets strict design requirements for this module, so it took considerable effort for the Surf team to do it.”
Pavel Efalov
Head of UX/UI Division
“Our cooperation with Surf is long and very productive. We started by developing an application that would be easy to use. During the project, many other new interesting features were added. Many of them were realised due to active participation of Surf. The team was always invariably interested in cooperation, effectively built communications and implemented all our wishes at a high technical level. ”
Oksana Yaroslavceva
Online Product Head of Design & Development
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Vladi Makeew

CEO of Surf
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