What types of support can we offer?

Maintaining your app’s rating on Google Play, the iOS App Store, and other app review sites like Google Play. In addition to that, we handle the feedback.

Supporting and monitoring your backend and admin dashboard. This involves handling issues, performing standard requests, and providing suggestions on refactoring and modifications (only if the app was built by Surf).

Supporting a mobile app. We monitor the service, accept requests, identify issues, analyze errors, and tackle the issues.

How do we prioritize requests?

How fast we react to certain requests and tackle the issues may vary and depends on how critical they are.

Blockers make it impossible for the app to function, i.e., no further interactions with the app and its key features are possible.

Critical errors make it impossible for certain key features of the app to function or result in substantial deviations from the business logic, certain features being misimplemented, key user data getting lost, etc.

Normal errors indicate a deviation from the business logic or cause the mobile app to malfunction. Have no critical effect on the app.

Minor errors do not affect the business logic in the tested part of the app but do not comply with the expected result nevertheless.

Requests for information, such as user requests for information on how to use a functionality and/or for user manuals for software.

What can our clients expect?

Monthly reports, including the number of errors identified within each module, function, or screen, as well as the number of comments and suggested improvements to the app

Timely analysis of the monitoring variables

Suggestions on how to optimize the backend and refactor the code

We develop apps across the entire globe

What our Clients have to say

We strive to be a reliable technology partner for our clients and build effective collaboration beyond conventional project activities

“Surf provided us with a custom web app development service for video streaming, allowing our users to access over 40 shows. We have implemented many additional features for users. The mobile app is developed with the Flutter framework. This helped us shorten the time to market and launch the product as quickly as possible. With its help, it was possible to reduce the development time by 30%. Surf has developed a platform with all the infrastructure: backend, CDN, and admin web interface to help manage content and monitor statistics.”
Roman Kolesnikov
Producer of online content company
“Thanks to the app, the company’s customers can now make shopping lists according to the discounts and promos they find. The app also allows the company to respond to user feedback in real-time and solve their problems online. More than 60% of the company’s sales app transactions.”
Julia Alemanova
Head of Department of Digital Product Innovation
“Surf has developed a great mobile app for us. It has significantly improved the quality of service for our premium customers. Customers can now manage deliveries and resolve support issues right in the mobile app. Thanks to this, the average bill and LTV increased and new customers came.”
Product Manager

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Vladi Makeew

CEO of Surf
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