Surf proficiency in cross-platform mobile app development services

Since 2011, Surf has been establishing itself as a trusted digital partner through collaboration with companies around the globe


among Top Flutter App Development Companies by Clutch


among World’s Top Mobile Application Developers by Clutch


Top Flutter App Developers in NY by review rating, Clutch

Cross-platform approach benefits

The benefits of cross-platform mobile app development services are known firsthand to Surf specialists, who rely on their expertise from more than 25 cross-platform projects in the banking, e-com, foodtech, and medical industries

  1. Lower budget

    Cross-platform development is approximately 40% less expensive than building native mobile apps and 60% cheaper than combining native mobile apps with a web version

  2. Less risks

    With a singular set of code, you can engage users, apply changes and updates consistently across multiple platforms, which reduces integration-related risks

  3. Quick releases

    The streamlined development process allows for prompt feature implementation and quicker iterations. Improved communication and synchronization lead to better adherence to project schedules

  4. Smaller team

    With the unified workflow across platforms, fewer engineers are needed compared to working on separate native codebases. Contributors can focus on a single set of technologies, reducing the need for platform-specific expertise

  5. Easier testing

    Flutter supports various types of automated tests, which is beneficial for projects with frequent releases as it enables quick and stable testing flow

  6. Less expenses

    A single set of code reduces the expenses on app maintenance by 70% and eliminates the need to apply changes, bug fixes, and feature enhancements separately on multiple platforms

Offering a threefold decrease in release schedule

At the core of our cross-platform services lies Flutter, an open-source app development tool. The in-house team of 25 professionals has been honing their abilities since 2019, shortly after Flutter was released by Google.

  1. Flutter-powered apps
    • iOS or Android or web / iOS+Android+web apps
    • 80–95% of a code base can be re-used
    • adapted to platform-specific features and UX
  2. Further options
    • easy-to-use API with good Developer Experience
    • integrations with rare devices or migrating user sessions from native app
    • BLE integration
  3. Minimum Viable Product
    • fast launch on several platforms
    • reliable foundation for stress-free future scaling
    • adding new features 20% faster after MVP release
  4. Native-close security
    • particular to platform solutions: Touch ID, Face ID, fingerprint scanner
    • app code compiled to native code to prevent reverse engineering
  5. Building your Flutter team
    • assistance to company in forming its own in-house team
    • compiling prerequisites covering required skills and expertise
    • conducting technical interviews
  6. Team training
    • identifying knowledge gaps to address unique needs
    • practical training by our experts
    • regular Flutter info updates in the community

How long it takes to create MVP on Flutter

Although no standardized time frames for cross-platform app development exist, still, we do give approximate figures to begin with

4 months
  • startup app
  • simple app for corporate use
  • promotional app with a loyalty program
6 months
  • typical e-com solution
  • more complex app for corporate use
  • social media app
10 months
  • fintech app
  • complex e-commerce app
  • complex social media app
  • complex corporate projects

Flutter applications in various industries

Surf leverages Flutter for building projects for companies in fintech, healthcare, and ecommerce. This ensures uniform appearance and functionality across platforms

Save 40–60% when compared to developing a native app — pick Flutter for your tasks

Contact us to get started

We fine-tune our work to meet your company needs

At Surf, we carefully customize our work to meet the distinctive requirements of your business. Hiring our developers will ensure that your cross-platform project is executed effectively and iteratively

  1. Planning

    We create an in-depth strategy and project development timeline. We identify milestones, set goals, and outline the project’s scope.

  2. Designing

    Using the customer journey map as a guide, we work on UI/UX design. This step ensures that the app meets user needs and expectations.

  3. Cross-platform development

    We execute the planned work: develop features, write code, and build the app. We demonstrate the progress to the client every two weeks for their approval.

  4. Testing

    At each iteration, we carefully test the app. Our QA specialists create thorough and understandable documentation to ensure quality and reliability.

  5. Launching

    Finally, we release the product to digital shops and maintain it post-launch. Regular updates and bug fixes keep the app running smoothly.

Companies appreciate Surf expertise and proactivity

View client testimonials that we have received

As responsible cross platform mobile app development company we start our commitment at the project’s inception and continue as long as your company requires

“We announced a tender for the development of a Flutter banking app, then we studied the portfolio of companies, relevant experience, and cost. What I liked most about Surf was that it was not too lazy to make a demo from layouts and offered us a reasonable price. We did a really great job as a single product team”
Head of Mobile
“Surf provided us with a custom web app development service for video streaming, allowing our users to access over 40 shows. We have implemented many additional features for users. The mobile app is developed with the Flutter framework. This helped us shorten the time to market and launch the product as quickly as possible. With its help, it was possible to reduce the development time by 30%. Surf has developed a platform with all the infrastructure: backend, CDN, and admin web interface to help manage content and monitor statistics.”
Roman Kolesnikov
Producer of online content company
“When Surf were only bidding for the contract, they had such a cool concept of the app, that we just knew: this company offers custom solutions and has loads of original ideas. And that first impression turned out to be true — these guys have contributed a lot of original ideas and have an unconventional approach to development. We’re really pleased with the results of our collaboration with Surf.”
Head of Online Sales

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Vladi Makeew

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