Hire the right agency for custom Android app development

With Surf developers, your company can tackle any challenge in creating your next Android app. Hit the market with a competitive product with our Android app development services.


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Android App Development Companies by DesignRush


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When you need our Android development services

We provide end-to-end development for large-scale enterprises and scaling up startups for below cases and beyond. Get your MVP developed in 3 to 6 months.

For those who plan to augment their in-house team with native developers.

For businesses who want to take on Android development alongside iOS development with their in-house team.

For companies that move from low code/ no code MVP to a native product to get return on investments.

Technologies we leverage

Our Android developer team uses the top tech stack for creating software

RxJava 2 / 3




Retrofit 2








Jetpack Compose UI

Dagger 2



C++ (JNI)

Gradle Build Cache Server













Android studio

Charles Proxy

Mock Server (Сustom)

SurfGen (generate code by swagger api)

Clean Architecture


Design patterns


Custom animation

Material design

Android security

Data Binding



Code Review


Material You


Check our clients’ success stories

Our Android app development services help our clients stand out from billions of competitor apps on Google Play by providing industry-tailored user experience and the most sought-after functionality.

We can be your reliable partner in creating a top Android app in your domain.

Just contact us

Our mobile app development process

To start the development of your Android app, our agency determines your project scope early in the project life cycle, and develops your product through a series of repeated cycles — Agile iterations or sprints.

  1. Plan

    Get a detailed product development roadmap with a prioritized backlog and timeframes.

  2. Design

    Learn what your audience needs, using our customer journey map and design mockups.

  3. Build

    Give us your feedback on the functionality delivered to you at the end of each sprint.

  4. Test

    Get an app that works properly across all Android devices. We’ll handle all your testing needs.

  5. Launch

    Release your app on Google Play Store or let us help you distribute it for beta testing.

We have clients across the entire globe

What our clients have to say

Our Android app development company continuously gathers feedback to improve our services. We collaborate with clients to deliver the best results, meet global standards, and keep all approaches well-documented.

“The most impressive thing about Surf is their great expertise in mobile development and excellent teamwork. It is also worth mentioning their extensive banking experience, as well as their clear understanding of fintech projects, their specifics, and typical UX aspects. Last but not least, they place a high priority on app security.”
Head of Digital Business Development
“We had already been working with Surf: they built our core mobile app, an online shop, and were following up on those. That’s why we didn’t think twice about the contractor for our delivery system. The Surf team actively engaged with our developers, speeding up our progress. Moreover, Surf was often proactive, suggesting interface improvements as well as the format and process adjustments to accommodate the mobile interface.”
Head of Mobile Development
“Within the very first 2 weeks since the new app was launched, we received 800 orders and witnessed a 15% conversion. It’s a huge result in our industry. Surf has established a most convenient customer engagement process. All issues, questions, and suggestions are discussed immediately. The project team is personally involved in all flows, examining each of them in detail.”
Head of E-commerce

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Vladi Makeew

CEO of Surf
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